Character Theory

Hopkins-Kuhn-Ravenel character theory

In the fall of 2023, Gijs Heuts, Nick Kuhn, Lennart Meier and I are organising a reading seminar on Character theory. Our first aim is to cover the paper by Hopkins-Kuhn-Ravenel. Other sources include the survey articles by Kuhn and Stapleton.

We meet on Wednesdays from 15:00 to 16:00 in HFG 6.10. Any deviations from this will be indicated below.

We are still looking for some speakers, and have written abstracts for the talks. If you would like to give a talk, please feel free to send me an email.


  • March 29, Nick Kuhn: Introduction.

  • April 5, Sven van Nigtevecht: Complex oriented descent.

  • April 13, Ryan Quinn: A generalised Artin’s theorem
    Note the change in date and time! This talk will be on Thursday April 13 at 10:00 (same location as usual).

  • April 19, Sven van Nigtevecht: Complex oriented Euler characteristics.

  • April 26, Max Blans: Formal groups and $E^*(\mathrm{B}A)$.

  • May 3, Dirk van Bree: Generalised characters, part I.

  • May 10: No seminar (guest talk also cancelled).

  • May 17, Christian Carrick: Generalised characters, part II.

  • May 24: No seminar.

Break because of conferences.

  • June 21, Guy Boyde: The Morava E-theory of $\mathrm{B}\Sigma_n$.

  • June 28, Miguel Barata: Applications to power operations.

  • July 12, Marco Nervo: Chromatic Smith theory.